1003 There is a new version of software available. Battle.net requires that you use the latest version. Your software will be updated now.
1004 The update has been downloaded successfully. Your application will now restart.
1005 %cJoining channel: %s
1006 %c%s has left the channel.
1007 %c%s has joined the channel.
1008 You were unable to join the selected game.
1009 Battle.net is not responding. Please try connecting again in a few minutes.
1010 Battle.net
1011 The connection to Battle.net has been interrupted. Please try again later.
1012 Battle.net was unable to properly identify your application version. Please reinstall the application from the CD and then reconnect to Battle.net.
1013 The update has been interrupted. No changes were made. Please try this process again.
1014 Downloading software upgrade.
1015 From:
1016 To:
1017 You have entered an invalid ID.
1018 You have not chosen a player to whisper to. You must first select a player from the list. Then, click whisper to send your message only to that player.
1019 Invalid channel name. A channel name cannot contain reserved characters.
1020 gvdl
1021 dvou
1022 tiju
1023 cjudi
1024 bttipmf
1025 ojhhfs
1026 cmj{{bse
1027 benjo
1028 To chat with other players, you must first type a message to send.
1029 The "%s" channel is currently empty. Do you want to create a new channel with this name?
1030 The "%s" channel is currently full. Please try again later.
1032 Unable to connect to Battle.net. If you are using a modem to access your service provider and are not configured for Dialup Networking, you may have to initiate the connection manually.
1033 Your Internet connection is either very poor or is not processing UDP packets. Contact your service provider or your system administrator for assistance. When connected to Battle.net, you will be able to chat but will not be able to play games.
1034 %s (%d)
1035 %cAccepting messages from %s.
1036 %cIgnoring messages from %s.
1037 %cEnter/Leave notifications: ON
1038 %cEnter/Leave notifications: OFF
1039 Your system has not been configured to support 32 bit Internet applications or Dialup Networking has not been configured for Auto Dial. You may have to connect to your internet provider manually before logging into Battle.net.
1040 You have clicked on a link to the Internet. Your web browser will now be launched. You can use the Windows Taskbar to return to Battle.net.
1041 You have disconnected from Battle.net. Press OK to hangup the connection to %s. Press Cancel to stay connected.
1042 Battle.net was unable to launch your default browser.
1043 You were unable to join. The game you have selected is not responding.
1044 You were unable to join. The game you have selected is currently full.
1045 "%1" is a registered Battle.net name. Please enter the password for "%1", or select New Account to choose a different name.
1046 "%1" is already registered as a unique Battle.net name. Please enter a new name for your character.
1047 You have entered an incorrect password. If your character has not been on Battle.net for 3 months, or if you forgot your password, you can select "New Account" to choose a new name and password.
1048 Invalid Password
1065 The passwords you have typed do not match. Please enter the same password twice.
1067 The new account could not be created. Please try a different player name.
1068 Highest Rated
1069 Fastest Climbers
1070 Most Wins
1071 Most Games Played
1072 Not enough memory.
1073 This application was installed using an invalid CD key. Please reinstall this application using the correct CD key.
1074 You cannot connect to Battle.net using the CD key this application was installed with. Please contact Blizzard Entertainment technical support for further assistance.
1075 Your CD key is currently being used by:\n\n%s\n\nOnly one registered instance of this application can use your CD key at a time. If your connection to Battle.net was just interrupted, please wait five minutes before trying to connect again.
1076 The CD key used to install this application was intended for another product. Please reinstall this application using the correct CD key.
1077 You were unable to join. The password you have entered is incorrect.
1078 You were unable to join. The game you have selected has already started.
1079 You were unable to join. The game you have selected was not found.
1080 You were unable to join. The game you have selected has ended.
1081 Enter a player's name in the name field, then press this button to search for that player on the ladder.
1082 account_help
1083 Unable to change password. You have specified an invalid name or current password.
1084 You could not be logged on to the server with that account. Please try again later.
1085 You must own the full version of this application to create a multiplayer game.
1086 You were unable to join. You can only join games created by the owner of the CD that spawned your copy.
1087 Your selected character could not be renamed to "%s".
1088 This will change the name of your selected character. Continue?